The American Society for Reproduction Medicine has updated its guidelines on the use of egg freezing for donor eggs in IVF as well as planned egg freezing for fertility preservation. Download the full report below:

Planned egg freezing:

  • Live birth rates per embryo transfer are improved when egg freezing is performed in younger compared to older women
  • There is insufficient evidence to advise on the optimal age to undergo planned egg freezing
  • There is insufficient evidence to counsel women on the absolute number of eggs and the likelihood of live birth after planned egg freezing
  • There is insufficient evidence to recommend interventions to optimize outcomes after planned egg freezing
  • Outcomes in the babies appear similar to the use of fresh eggs

Egg freezing for donor eggs in IVF:

  • Frozen donor eggs are a reasonable option compared to fresh donor eggs
  • The length of time that eggs have been stored does not influence egg survival or pregnancy rates
  • Live birth rates may be greater if frozen eggs come from donors who have had a successful outcome after a fresh cycle of egg donation
  • Outcomes in the babies appear similar to the use of fresh donor eggs
