A woman smiling

An article published this week in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine concluded definitively that egg freezing is the best strategy for healthy women freezing their eggs to give themselves the best chance of parenthood in the future.

The article, entitled “Fertility Preservation in Women,” was authored by two physicians from Belgium’s society for infertility research, who reviewed the expansive body of research on fertility preservation to conclude that oocyte vitrification, the method used at Extend Fertility to cryopreserve eggs, provides the best outcomes.

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NEJM sets the “gold standard” for biomedical research and the most widely read, cited, and influential medical journal in the world. Here are a few important takeaways from the article:

For women preserving their fertility for personal reasons or “benign” medical reasons, egg freezing is the best strategy.

“Benign” medical reasons are conditions that aren’t cancer but might affect fertility, like endometriosis.

Learn more about endometriosis and egg freezing.

According to the article, “of all the available means of fertility preservation, oocyte cryopreservation by means of vitrification (very rapid freezing) provides the highest yield… When fertility preservation is carried out for benign indications or personal reasons, oocyte cryopreservation is clearly the highest-yield strategy.”

Learn more about Extend Fertility’s superior vitrification protocol.

Egg freezing helps preserve more options for future fertility than embryo freezing—which is especially important for single women.

As the authors state, egg freezing “gives women the possibility of reproductive autonomy (i.e., they do not need a male partner or donor sperm to create embryos).”

Age is really important, and for women who freeze eggs before they’re 35, success rates are high.

According to the article, “women should be encouraged to freeze their eggs at a younger age for the best chance of having a biologic child.” The success rate for women who froze at least 10 eggs before they were 35 was twice as high as the success rates for older women who froze the same number of eggs, the authors note.

Learn more about fertility and age.

Data suggests that for women under 35 who freeze 10–15 eggs, success rates—AKA chance of at least one pregnancy later—are 60–80+%.

Learn more about egg freezing success rates.

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