FertilityIQ explores employee fertility benefits in new report
A striking fact: fertility treatments are needed more often than treatment for diabetes, breast cancer, or Alzheimer’s disease—but are covered by less than 50% of employers.
In a new report from FertilityIQ, an online resource for fertility patients, researchers explored the world of fertility benefits—including coverage for egg freezing—through a survey of respondents who had actually used them.
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In order to rank the companies with the best benefits, researchers scored them in each of the following categories: lifetime treatment maximum coverage amount, the necessity for pre-authorization (or prior authorization), lifetime medication maximum coverage amount, any exclusions, and any clinic restrictions. The prior authorization question is especially important for women thinking of freezing their eggs, because that requirement, as the report states, dictates who can access benefits; “for many employees (e.g. older patients, gay couples, women who want to freeze their eggs), these restrictions make them ineligible for the benefit.” (Learn more about insurance coverage for egg freezing here.)
The top company for fertility benefits? Spotify. The music streaming service is noted for its great benefits, with Business Insider reporting that Spotify offers “six months of paid parental leave, plus one month of flexible work options for parents returning to the office” as well as “egg freezing and fertility assistance.” Technology companies, in general, had better fertility coverage than other industries and more open policies as to who can use the benefits and for what.

Overall, though, FertilityIQ found that only 28% of respondents had their fertility treatment entirely covered by their employer benefits—and 56% reported no fertility coverage at all. This is an important note, as fertility benefits were demonstrated to increase employee loyalty (61% of respondents) and commitment (53% of respondents).

As BuzzFeed reports in a piece exploring this survey, it’s essential that egg freezing and fertility benefits be paired with “a really supportive work environment where everybody, especially working parents, can really thrive”—particularly important for companies that want to attract more women to their team (which, considering the state of women in tech and business, should be a priority for most companies). But ultimately, as one reproductive endocrinologist tells BuzzFeed, “anything that gives women… more options and more choice is good.”