Extend Fertility has been helping women freeze their eggs for more than a decade. In that time, we’ve spoken to thousands of women considering the procedure. Here are the answers to their most frequent questions:

1. How much does egg freezing cost?
Egg freezing with Extend Fertility costs less than you may think. Our price—$7,200 for your first cycle—is 40% less than the national average. (That includes all of your medical care and anesthesia, but medications and long-term frozen egg storage are additional.)
2. How long does egg freezing take?
The egg freezing cycle, during which you’ll take hormone injections to stimulate egg production, takes about 8–10 days. The egg retrieval procedure takes about 15 minutes, and you’ll spend the rest of that day resting at home. The whole process—from initial consultation to having the eggs frozen in the laboratory—takes about a month, and you’ll only miss one day of work.

3. Are there side effects from the hormones?
Thankfully, side effects are uncommon, and those experienced are mostly minor. About 10% of women experience symptoms similar to menstrual symptoms, such as headaches, mood swings, breast tenderness, bloating, mild fluid retention, and lethargy of fatigue (especially toward the end of the cycle). Many women feel no symptoms at all. Very rarely, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome or OHSS, can cause swelling of the ovaries and fluid collection in the abdomen; however, monitoring by the healthcare team prevents this in most cases.
4. Why should I freeze my eggs with Extend Fertility Medical Practice?
Clinical and laboratory excellence is our priority. Our physicians and healthcare team members have been trained at the country’s top institutions and come to us from the area’s leading infertility clinics, and the cornerstone of our cryogenic laboratory is vitrification, a state-of-the-art technique that’s superior to any other method of egg freezing.
We offer this excellence as part of an experience designed specifically for women who want to freeze their eggs. That means no unnecessary testing, better pricing options than those available at traditional fertility clinics, and an understanding of our patients’ physical and emotional needs.

5. Does egg freezing work?
Yes. Egg freezing works because a woman’s young eggs are healthier, and freezing stops them from aging—preserving their health until a woman is ready to start a family.
Here are the numbers: studies demonstrate that women who freeze 10 eggs before they’re 35 have a 61% chance of pregnancy using those eggs later—and women who freeze 15 eggs have an 85% chance. (Conversely, the chance of natural pregnancy for a 40-year-old woman is less than 5%; even with in vitro fertilization, a woman over 40 has only about a 10% chance of a healthy pregnancy.)